Early Prenatal Care
Finding out you might be pregnant can be overwhelming, especially if you're unsure about what to do next. It's essential to seek trustworthy medical care where you can learn about your options and support available.
At Watermark Urgent Care, we're here to provide non-judgmental and confidential support to help you navigate this journey by providing critical care for you and your family. Early prenatal care is crucial during the first trimester (weeks 1-13) to safeguard the health and well-being of both mother and baby. However, many women face challenges in accessing care during these critical early weeks.

Have Questions?
Get Confidential Support Today
If you have questions about your pregnancy or are considering an abortion, our team is here for you. If you wish to schedule an appointment with our Early Prenatal Care team, please call us at 469-317-0028, then press 4. Our team is ready to provide you with confidential guidance and support.