We take serving seriously. Our clinics function because at our core, we are the body of Christ meeting the city's needs. We have intentionally created space in our schedule and staffing needs for volunteers to play a key role. You won't be doing busy work here. Every single task a volunteer helps with is crucial to making the clinic run. God created His Church with a diversity of skills and gifts and personalities. At our clinics, you'll have ways to be deployed in your gift mix towards the common mission of serving the people of our city.
In addition to serving on-site,
here are some other ways to get involved!

Provide a Care Package!
For our patients experiencing Acute Food Insecurity, we have resources on site to care for them as a reminder that the Lord sees and cares for them! This is a great serving opportunity for families and community groups. Please email volunteer@watermarkurgentcare.com if you are interested!

Come visit an Open House!
Come learn more about how Watermark Urgent Care is loving our city, meeting healthcare needs, and spiritually engaging our neighbors! Get a tour of Watermark Urgent Care, meet some of the staff and volunteer team, and learn what the next steps could look like for you to get involved. Good opportunity for: prospective volunteers, prospective donors, and those serving similar individuals that might refer to our services.

Provide encouragement for moms walking through an unexpected pregnancy!
Because of the value God has set for life, we would like to provide our patients that are pregnant with a few amenities to make their pregnancy sweet! Please partner with us in giving them Children’s Bibles and a little something for mom as a reminder that the Lord sees and cares for them! This is a great serving opportunity for families and community groups.